Lemon essential oil has been used by people all over the globe for over a thousand years. It has antiseptic, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties. Studies suggest that it can possibly fight cancer and can even act as a mild antidepressant. It works in the body as an antioxidant and is invigorating and refreshing. It can be applied topically, inhaled or diffused and can even be added to drinks or used in cooking.
Keep in mind that in order to fully benefit from any essential oil, including lemon, high quality oil needs to be used. This depends on the variety of plant used, if they are grown in a natural environment without chemical pesticides and herbicides, if they are harvested at the proper time and how the oil is extracted. In lemon oil, if temperatures become too high during the extraction process the oil’s chemical makeup can be altered, yielding a less potent oil.
As A Cleaner
Lemon oil is a common ingredient in household cleaning products and not just because of its pleasant smell. It removes grease with ease. If your hands are covered in grease from automotive work or other hands on activities, try adding a couple drops of the oil to your regular hand soap and the grease should come right off. Add the oil to laundry for an added boost of freshness or to save laundry that may have been forgotten about and is starting to produce a moldy odor.
Lemon oil is also great for removing sticky residue leftover on walls or furniture from stickers or gum. A cloth soaked in lemon oil will also help to breathe new life into tarnished silver and jewelry. It also cleans and polishes wooden furniture. Try using it as a natural disinfectant by mixing 40 drops of lemon oil with 20 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle. Fill the rest with water and a splash of vinegar and use it on kitchen and bathroom countertops and other areas that need frequent disinfecting, like the shower walls and doors. It can also be diffused to remove toxins from the air. It is recommended to diffuse after painting to help remove dangerous chemicals. If you don’t have a diffuser, try adding the oil to a pot of boiling water on the stove. It will have the same effect throughout the home and the water can be reused for cooking.
As A Medical Healer
To fight a cold, mix some lemon oil with a bit of coconut oil and rub it on your neck as soon as symptoms start to develop. For a fever, rub the lemon oil mixed with a carrier oil on shoulders, neck, forehead and around the ears. The oil also supports healthy lymphatic drainage. The oil can also combat allergies when mixed with peppermint oil and water and then gargled.
For constipation, add a drop of lemon oil to 10 drops of coconut oil and massage directly over the abdomen in a clockwise direction for relief. The oil will also help with slow digestion with the same application or by ingesting the oil through food or beverage. Consumption of the oil may help to treat and prevent intestinal parasites.
Research shows that lemon oil may help prevent kidney stones. Eat, drink or consume the oil via a capsule to keep kidney stones from forming. The oil can also help to treat heartburn. Massage the oil across the arches and pads of the feet and also down the throat, sternum and stomach for fast relief. By adding a drop or two to a glass of water, the oil can help fight the pain of a hangover.
As A Natural Cosmetic
Lemon oil can improve your complexion and leave the skin extra soft. Try mixing it with some baking soda and honey for an all natural face wash that helps fight acne. It also helps to tone the skin. Mix lemon oil with baking soda and coconut oil for a natural teeth whitener. Brush onto teeth for two minutes and rinse well. The oil may also help to improve the appearance of varicose veins. Mix the oil with peppermint, lemongrass, cypress and a carrier oil and apply the cream in an upward motion towards the heart twice daily until desired results are achieved.
Lemon oil can also help promote weight loss. Try adding two drops of lemon oil in a glass of water three times a day. It should boost metabolism and help make it easier to shed pounds through a healthy diet and exercise.
Lemon oil is great for your hair. Add a few drops to your shampoo or dilute the oil in water and massage into the scalp and hair follicles every time you wash your hair. The oil can also help cold sores heal faster. Add a bit of the oil directly to the affected area or mix it with coconut oil and use as a lip balm.
As A Cooking Agent
Lemon is a common ingredient to use in cooking. Try using lemon oil in marinades for chicken and fish. It also works great in icing for deserts or cookies. It can also be added to teas and of course, lemonade.
Lemon oil can also be used to purify water. While it will not remove all bacteria, if there is some concern about the quality of water, add a couple drops of lemon oil and allow the mixture to sit for several minutes before drinking.
As An Aromatherapy Staple
Diffusing lemon oil can help fight mild depression symptoms, including postpartum depression, and can help lighten someone’s mood. It can also fight the start of anxiety or be inhaled during an anxiety attack to help relax and calm the body and mind. It can also be used to improve concentration. The scent of the oil should help increase physical energy. Try running the oil through your hair or adding it to baking soda as a carpet deodorizer. It should energize everyone in the family. Keep lemon oil nearby during stressful or trying times.